
This section provides parents with a wealth of information about how to support their child with hot topics such as online safety and terrorism. If any parent is concerned about a child's safety they should contact a school safeguarding officer or social care.

Keeping children safe is everyone's responsibilit

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead - Miss Charlotte Bowern
  • Deputy Safeguarding Leads- Mrs Megan Hammett, Mr Chris Conners, Miss Sally Shipton, Miss Sarah Wood, Mrs Sharon Scholes, Mrs Louise Brown, Miss Lace Manley
  • Safeguarding Governor - Mrs Nisha John
  • E-safety Lead- Mr Christian Conners

Keeping Safe (Safeguarding) is our main priority for our children and is reinforced to them throughout the school on a regular basis. It is part of a planned approach to ensure all children are aware of how to keep themselves and others safe.

Such activities will include:

  • People who help us
  • Stranger Danger
  • Road Safety
  • Fire safety
  • Beach Safety
  • Sun safety
  • Staying Healthy
  • Swimming lessons
  • NSPCC Share Aware
  • E-safety
  • National Anti Bullying week
  • UNICEF Rights of a child
  • Sex and Relationships programme
  • Risk assessing
  • First Aid certificate 

If any parent/carer/ family member or member of our school community is concerned about a child they should make contact with the Safeguarding Leads in school or contact the social care Gateway on 01752 668000.

If any parent has concerns over our procedures, practices or curriculum content, they should come and discuss this with the Headteacher.

Our most up-to-date Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy can be found in policies under key information:


Each week our Beacon has advice to support you and your children with e-safety issues that might come up at home.