Inspection Reports

Please find below our most recent inspection report in which the school was praised for:

‘Pupils enjoy school. They are happy and have a strong sense of belonging. Leaders have high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). There are no limits placed on what pupils can achieve. Leaders ensure that all pupils can ‘let their light shine’’. 

A few other wonderful phrases from the report that we would like to draw your attention to are:

  • Pupils are kind and friendly to each other. They ensure that everyone feels included during social times. 
  • Children get off to a flying start in the early years. 
  • Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum that gives pupils the knowledge they need to be successful. 
  • Pupils love to read. 
  • Teachers notice when pupils struggle and help them to catch up. 
  • Leaders ensure that staff identify pupils with SEND quickly. Teachers make careful adaptations to learning so all pupils can take part in the full curriculum. 
  • Pupils’ personal development is a strength of the school. 
  • Pupils are proud of their school and have positive attitudes to learning. Learning is rarely disturbed. 
  • Governors know the strengths of the school and what leaders need to do to make it even better. They challenge leaders on the quality of education to ensure the school continues to improve. Leaders communicate a clear vision that is understood by all. 
  • Pupils feel safe. They are confident to share any worries with a trusted adult. 


Our last SIAMs report can be viewed by clicking the link below.
