PE and Sports Premium

What is Sports Premium?

Playing sport helps to keep people healthy and is good for communities. Playing sport at school or in a local club can be the first step to competition at the highest level, which helps improve our reputation as a sporting nation, and contributes to economic growth. 

But when people leave school they often stop playing sports, which means people can’t fulfil their sporting potential, and can lead to a less healthy lifestyle. We want to get more people playing sport safely from a young age, and help them keep playing sport throughout their life, no matter what their economic or social background. To make sure as many people as possible are playing sport, the government is:

  • Funding Sport England, to help community sports grow, including helping 14- to 25-year-olds to keep playing sport throughout their lives
  • expanding the School Games programme to increase opportunities for more young people to play competitive sport
  • spending money on improving physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools.

How will St Matthew's spend the Sports Premium?

  • Provide specialist teaching and training to staff to raise attainment in PE 
  • Utilise the Plymouth School Sports Partnership.
  • Improve the quality and range of PE and sport provision in school.
  • improve the resources available to staff and children in school.
  • Provide opportunities for children to experience and access a wide range of physical activities across the school, leading to some children being encouraged to take up sports outside of school as well.
  • Supporting all children, through physical activity, to improve their physical and mental health.

