Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is additional money that every school receives for children who are on low-income families (that are eligible for  Free School Meals), for children who have been adopted or are in care, and for children who reside with a parent that is in the Armed Services.

At St. Matthew's it will be used to raise the attainment for all pupils. We support the seven building blocks for interventions which are;

  • A whole school ethos of attainment for all
  • A whole-school approach that addresses behaviour and attendance
  • Promote high-quality teaching for all
  • Identify and support individual learning needs
  • Deploy staff effectively
  • Respond proactively to data
  • Clear, responsive leadership

How much funding does a school receive?

Each school received £1320 for FSM children, £1900 for children who are looked after. 

For the year 2023-24 St. Matthew's received £112,765

For the year 2021-22 St. Matthew's received £98,241

For the year 2020-21 St. Matthew's received £64, 870

For the year 2019-20 St. Matthew's received £71,100

For the year 2017-18 St. Matthew's received £49,260

For the year 2016-17 St. Matthew's  received £29,280

For the year 2015-16 St. Matthew's received £16,655

What does a school do with the money?

Pupil Premium money helps us to ensure that no child is disadvantaged. We carefully base our spending on the needs of all our children and use the Pupil Premium money to close attainment gaps as well as supporting the social and emotional well-being of our children.

At St Matthew's the Pupil Premium funding will support us to:

  • ensure professional development enables all staff to meet the needs of the children.
  • deploy additional teaching and support staff to provide specific support and intervention work
  • improve assessment and tracking systems so that a quick and clear analysis of progress can be made.
  • provide curriculum enrichment activities designed to build confidence and boost self-esteem eg Forest Schools, Multi-skills, Visiting Storyteller, run Enriching writing and maths courses.
  • provide specialist teaching
  • provide financial support and/or subsidise activities, events and clubs
  • improve resources with a particular focus on reading
  • improve the resources pupils can access at home eg Phonics Bug, Rockstar Maths and Phonics play
  • provide specific interventions such as phonics, Precision teach and ELSA (Emotional Literacy support)
  • employ external agency staff that have specific skills that can support staff and pupils
  • provide non class teaching time and release the SENDCo and other staff to fulfil their duties
  • offer a range of parent workshops and information sessions to include E safety,  'supporting reading' and 'how to teach maths'
  • implement an incentive reward system for  recognising and promoting good behaviour
  • increase support for pupils through a Learning Mentor
  • offer curriculum enrichment activities 

Pupil Premium Lead: Charlotte Bowern

Pupil Premium Governor: Justin Bailey